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Top 5 Examples of Beautiful Presentation Design

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Even if you deliver the most groundbreaking speech during your presentation – if you don’t have engaging slides to accompany what you’re saying, it will be hard for your presentation to impact an audience to its full potential. Browsing through examples of beautiful presentation design can give you a great inspiration boost before you begin designing your own.

There have been many studies performed to confirm the power of visual learning. According to Visual Teaching Alliance, approximately 65% of people are visual learners. They say that 90% of information that comes to the brain is visual.

It has been proven that visual displays affect learners on a cognitive level. It is more stimulating and increases memory retention.

However getting the perfect balance of interesting infographics, stylish typography, appropriate content and clean, minimalist design is not easy.

Here is our top 5, hand-picked selection of beautiful presentation designs to inspire you:

This slideshare from Garr Reynolds guides you through some useful before and after examples, explaining how to create professional presentation slides. The cleaner and more minimalist the layout, the better.

Digital Surgeons have created these attractive slides on “Creating Powerful Customer Experiences,” which combine a perfect mix of colours, engaging infographics and informative text.

Using appropriate and creative typography should never be overlooked. It is a hugely important factor when designing engaging and unique presentations for a certain brand. The style, size and colour are all key. Displaying the appropriate font in your slides can significantly set the tone for your whole presentation before you even begin.

The slideshare below gives wonderful tips on the importance of typography through simple, eye-catching slides – including using effective contrast in text, line spacing and text colour.

Instead of using common bullet points, (that are really not the most exciting or original format to describe your points) these 13 tips from Melissa Milloway are a fantastic alternative.

The style, quality and layout of photographs and videos embedded in a presentation also play a large role. The level of impact and influence you can potentially have on an audience is greatly increased if this is done right.

The slideshare below is a great example of how to effectively use your photography and create strong visuals so your audience will remember your presentation long after you’ve presented to them.

For more inspiration, check out this presentation showcase for professional and dynamic templates created for businesses.

We hope these examples have spruced up your ideas in designing fresh, beautiful and memorable slides that your audience will love.

Have you seen a presentation that has truly resonated with you? Please do share it with us through the comments below.

For more information, contact us via info@companyapp.co.uk.

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