Have you ever had to sit through bland presentations consisting of dry material and countless dull slides? There’s really no excuse anymore for suffering through ‘death by powerpoint.’ Here at Companyapp, we’re advocates of engaging, interactive presentations that truly capture an audience’s attention. Here is a list of our top 6 presentation tips that we believe will help you stand out from the crowd.
1. The fewer words the better
Forcing your audience to read a block of text whilst expecting them to stay engaged is simply an impossible task (even if it’s just one slide). A presentation should be punchy, impressive and excite your audience. The majority of words should be spoken, not read. It’s important to display your key points, but keep the text short and straight to the point.
2. Clear, simple layout
Your audience will appreciate clean, simple and modern slides as opposed to ones that are too cluttered. The message you want to give should be clear as soon as the information is displayed. We recommend sticking to consistent, eye-catching colour schemes and fonts that will give a unique element to your presentation.

3. High-quality images
There’s nothing worse than viewing slides cluttered with low-quality, blurry images – it instantly devalues the presentation. Including striking, original and high-resolution images is essential to maintain a professional appearance. This will also make a significant difference when viewed on a large projector screen.
Check out a list of places to find eye-catching (and free!) pictures for presentations here.
4. Interactive slides
The main key is to engage your audience, keeping them engrossed during every second that you’re presenting. Utilising digital systems to produce interactive and dynamic graphs, images and videos is a fantastic way to keep your audience on their toes and wanting more.
Have a read of these 5 ways to make your presentation more engaging and memorable for more inspiration.
5. Impactful message
Whether you’re giving a presentation to the employees within your company or directly to the client, it’s important that they’re clear on the objectives of your message from the start, and why they’ll want to listen. By the end, the final message should be memorable and have a positive impact on the audience.
6. Easy to share
To truly stand out and prove the passion and commitment you have for your presentation, you should share it, making it easily accessible for either staff or client. Using a modern presentation tool allows you to directly email the presentation to your audience. It even tracks who has viewed it as well as the frequency and time spent on each slide.
Our Presenter App is a great example of how an attractive and engaging presentation should look like that your audience won’t soon forget!
For more information, contact us via info@companyapp.co.uk.